When we pray and meditate,
We come to realise
That there is only one thing we need:
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 13, Agni Press, 1999
When we pray and meditate,
We come to realise
That there is only one thing we need:
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 13, Agni Press, 1999
To see ourselves as God sees us
Shall forever remain
An impossible task.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 13, Agni Press, 1999
As millions of stars
Sing and dance together
In harmony,
Even so, our body,
Vital, mind and heart
Must sing and dance
In harmony.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 13, Agni Press, 1999
It matters not
How much we know
About God.
It matters only
How much we have given
To God.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 13, Agni Press, 1999
Go beyond the domain
Of the mind.
You will be able to shine
In the galaxy
Of happiness-stars.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 13, Agni Press, 1999
Difficult, but not impossible,
To dethrone
The proud ego-king-mind.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 13, Agni Press, 1999
The silence of meditation
The expansion of a happiness
And fulness-heart.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 13, Agni Press, 1999
There is no mind-hurricane
That cannot be silenced
By our heart’s
“A heart of divine love
Will always go far beyond
Earth-bound limits.”
-Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 213, Agni Press, 1994
God is at once
Practical and spiritual,
So He wants us
To have a practical life
A spiritual heart.
Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 8, Agni Press, 1981
Fear is a limping thought.
Doubt is a blinding thought.
Courage is a galloping thought.
Faith is an illumining thought.
Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 8, Agni Press, 1981
It is quite amazing
That my mind
Has started listening
To my heart.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
So far I have learnt
Only comfort,
But from now on I shall learn
Only effort, inner and outer.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
I must love
The journey itself
Without caring for the goal.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Do not expect the world
To applaud you.
The right Person to applaud you
Is God Himself.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
This world
Is unimaginably beautiful
Except to the self-styled critics.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Alas, what are we doing?
We are trying to conceal ourselves
From our universal selves!
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
One wrong thought
Can ruin everything
At the journey’s start.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Clear the mind
Of all its
Discouraging thoughts.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
My aim
Is to live the life
Of a genuine self-giver.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Because my heart
Is spiritual,
My life belongs to all.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
My soul does not eclipse
Anybody’s sun-beauty.
On the contrary,
It helps others to shine their brightest.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
The sun of Infinity’s Light
Is inside my heart.
I must bring it to the fore
For the transformation of the world.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Humility, indeed,
Is infinitely greater
Than man-considered greatness.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
We must bring down Heaven
And feel its divine Beauty
And supreme Fragrance
Here on earth.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Is an unimaginable joy
For both humanity
And Divinity.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Ego is illusion, delusion,
And many things more.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Sterling service to God
Should be the dream and reality
Of a genuine God-seeker.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Very long ago
God had a Dream.
The Dream is not yet fulfilled.
What is that Dream?
Humanity’s radical transformation.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Whenever we are kind and compassionate
To a human being,
It must never be mere lip-service.
Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004