10 July

The secret of satisfaction
Is in knowing
Not what you think of yourself,
But what God feels about you.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 37, Agni Press, 1982

Categorised as Poem

9 July

Do you want to be happy?
Then do not overestimate
The power of your mind,
And do not underestimate
The light of your heart.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 37, Agni Press, 1982

Categorised as Poem

8 July

Is a necessary light.
Is an unnecessary burden.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 37, Agni Press, 1982

Categorised as Poem

7 July

We do not know
Why we spend our time
Mercilessly speaking ill of others
Rather than divinely examining our own lives.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 37, Agni Press, 1982

Categorised as Poem

6 July

Try to belong to your heart.
Perfection-flood will be all yours.
Try to belong to your soul.
Satisfaction-ocean will be all yours.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 37, Agni Press, 1982

Categorised as Poem

5 July

True happiness
Always wants to live
Without attachment-ropes.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 66, Agni Press, 1984

Categorised as Poem

4 July

As long as you live on earth,
In order to be happy and peaceful,
Just feel that the world belongs to God
And not to you.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 69, Agni Press, 1984

Categorised as Poem

3 July

Unreservedly strengthen the part of you
That wants God’s Love
Above everything else,
And soulfully see
The happy result.

Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 10, Agni Press, 1981

Categorised as Poem

2 July

“Peace is something that we become. Once we become peace, then only can we give peace to the world and receive peace from the world.”

Sri Chinmoy, The oneness of the Eastern Heart and the Western mind, part 3

Categorised as Poem

1 July

“Peace is something spontaneous; it is something that unites us. Peace is something that we have to spread. But unless and until we have peace deep within us, we can never hope to have peace in the outer world.”

Sri Chinmoy, Transformation-Night Illumination-Dawn

Categorised as Poem

30 June

“Peace does not mean the absence of war, peace means the presence of harmony, love, satisfaction and oneness. Peace means a flood of love in the world family.”

Sri Chinmoy, The Garland of Nation-Souls,

Categorised as Poem

29 June

Unless and until you have developed
A heart inundated with compassion,
Do not sit on the seat of judgement.

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 3

Categorised as Poem

28 June

Humanity can move forward
Fast, very fast,
If it can listen to the dictates
Of the Divinity within.

Sri Chinmoy, My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 38

Categorised as Poem

27 June

“If the intellectual mind, the negative mind, is not illumined by the heart, dryness will reign supreme. The intellectual mind loves dryness. In the spiritual life, we never want dryness!”

– Sri Chinmoy, God made, God moulded, God shaped, Agni Press, 2013

Categorised as Poem

26 June

If you are wise,
You will pay all attention
To the light
And pay no attention
To darkness.

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 8, Agni Press, 1998

Categorised as Poem

25 June

“What is the meaning of life? Life is for the absolute satisfaction of God the Creator and God the creation. The meaning of life is to become inseparably one with God the transcendental Bliss and God the universal Peace.”

Sri Chinmoy, A Peace-Collecting Pilgrim-Soul, Agni Press, 1971

Categorised as Poem

24 June

A self-giving life
Is ranked by God Himself
To be absolutely the best.

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 8, Agni Press, 1998

Categorised as Poem

23 June

“In meditation we dive into the vast sea of Consciousness. We do not have to ask God for Peace or Light because we are swimming in the sea of divine qualities. At that time God gives us more than we can ever imagine.

Sri Chinmoy, Prayer-World, Mantra-World and Japa-World, Agni Press, 1974

Categorised as Poem

22 June

Lose your ego
God will embrace you

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 8, Agni Press, 1998

Categorised as Poem

21 June

No outer noise,
No matter how loud and destructive,
Can disturb the soul’s inner poise.

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 8, Agni Press, 1998

Categorised as Poem

20 June

God tells me that
My happy heart
Increases the beauty
Of His universal Heart.

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 8, Agni Press, 1998

19 June

Meditation is man’s thirst for the Infinite Real, Eternal Real and Absolute Real. The secret of meditation is to achieve conscious and constant oneness with God.

– Sri Chinmoy, Eastern Light for the Western mind, Agni Press, 1973

Categorised as Poem

8 June

“Why do we want to transcend? We want to transcend because the life of ignorance, bondage, imperfection and death cannot satisfy us. We want to achieve something. We want to grow into something which is eternal; we want to grow into the very image of Immortality.”

Sri Chinmoy, The oneness of the Eastern heart and the Western mind, part 2, Agni Press, 2004

Categorised as Poem

4 May

Do not think
Of your own incapacity-tears.
Think only
Of real satisfaction-cheers.

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 13, Agni Press, 1999

Categorised as Poem

30 April

The sorrows of the outer life
Cannot touch
The unshakeable poise
Of the inner life.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 179, Agni Press, 1993

Categorised as Poem

29 April

I am looking for a new road
That will lead me
To God’s infinite Compassion-Light.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 179, Agni Press, 1993

Categorised as Poem

28 April

Who says
That all paths are difficult?
Try sincerely
The path of the heart.
To your wide surprise
You will see
That the heart’s road
Is extremely easy.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 179, Agni Press, 1993

Categorised as Poem

27 April

If you hesitate
To give yourself completely,
Then you will not be supplied
With new energy,
New light
And new perfection.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 179, Agni Press, 1993

Categorised as Poem

26 April

The mind’s negativity-capacity
Is no match
For the heart’s God-receptivity.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 179, Agni Press, 1993

Categorised as Poem

25 April

The dividing mind
Does not even want to know
That there is
A oneness-peace-school.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 179, Agni Press, 1993

Categorised as Poem