22 May

One of the main faults
Of a fool
Is that he never changes
His mind.

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 22, Agni Press, 2001

Categorised as Poem

21 May

“How is it that a man does not know himself, something which ought to be the easiest of all his endeavours? He does not know himself precisely because he identifies himself with the ego and not with his real Self.”

Sri Chinmoy, Yoga and the spiritual life. The journey of India’s Soul, Agni Press, 1971

20 May

“No price is too great to pay for inner peace. Peace is the harmonious control of life. It is vibrant with life-energy. It is a power that easily transcends all our worldly knowledge. Yet it is not separate from our earthly existence. If we open the right avenues within, this peace can be felt here and now.”

Sri Chinmoy, Yoga and the spiritual life. The journey of India’s Soul., Agni Press, 1971

19 May

“We must not allow our past to torment and destroy the peace of our heart. Our present good and divine actions can easily counteract our bad and undivine actions of the past. If sin has the power to make us weep, meditation has undoubtedly the power to give us joy, to endow us with the divine Wisdom.”

Sri Chinmoy, Yoga and the spiritual life. The journey of India’s Soul., Agni Press, 1971

18 May

“What is Yoga? Yoga is self-conquest. Self-conquest is God-realisation. He who practises Yoga does two things with one stroke: he simplifies his whole life and he gets a free access to the Divine.”

Sri Chinmoy, Yoga and the spiritual life. The journey of India’s Soul, Agni Press, 1971

17 May

Shall dawn on your eyes
If you can empty your mind
Of all complaints.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 151, Agni Press, 1991

16 May

God does not want you to suffer
From a guilt-stricken conscience.
He wants you to forgive and forget
Your past
Once and for all
And begin a new life
With a new promise-dawn.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 151, Agni Press, 1991

15 May

“God is here where I am,
But my mind tells me
That He is elsewhere.”

Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 33, Agni Press, 2003

14 May

If you deliberately keep teeming problems
Locked inside your mind,
What can your poor soul
And your poor heart
Do for you?

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 151, Agni Press, 1991

13 May

Do you want to be always happy?
Then give up fighting
For negativity
And learn the beautiful art
Of self-encouragement.”

– Sri Chinmoy, Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 12

Categorised as Poem

17 Jan

My morning begins
With the hope of enjoying
The exquisite beauty of God the creation.

Sri Chinmoy, My morning begins, Agni Press, 1996

16 Jan

My morning begins
By invoking, obeying and satisfying
God the Creator.

Sri Chinmoy, My morning begins, Agni Press, 1996

15 Jan

My morning begins
By washing, adorning and treasuring
God’s Forgiveness-Feet.

Sri Chinmoy, My morning begins, Agni Press, 1996

14 Jan

My morning begins
By energising my body,
Commanding my vital,
Directing my mind,
Feeding my heart
And serving my soul.

Sri Chinmoy, My morning begins, Agni Press, 1996

13 Jan

“My morning begins
With the thrill
Of my God-fulfilment-determination.”

– Sri Chinmoy

8 Jan

“Do not go to extremes.
Accept the body
And the five senses.
Only use them spiritually,
Divinely and soulfully.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Categorised as poem

7 Jan

If you see good qualities in others,
Then claim them as your own,
For who knows when you will find
Those same qualities
In your own nature?

– Sri Chinmoy

Categorised as poem

6 Jan

I have been loving God unconsciously
For millennia,
But I shall love God consciously
From this moment on.

– Sri Chinmoy

Categorised as poem

5 Jan

“Devotion is the secret of secrets. It lets you establish the sweetest and the most intimate connection with God, who entirely belongs to you.”

Sri Chinmoy

Categorised as poem

4 Jan

“If we want to define spiritual wisdom in one short sentence, then we can say that spiritual wisdom is the spontaneous recognition of one’s inner Being, inner Reality.”

– Sri Chinmoy

Categorised as poem

3 Jan

Faith is wisdom.
Faith is power.
Faith is heart-fragrance.
Faith is the sun-child
Of the Beyond.

– Sri Chinmoy

Categorised as poem

2 Jan

Faith has the capacity
To pass through
The darkest tunnels.

– Sri Chinmoy

Categorised as poem

1 Jan

Happy New Year,
Happy New Year!
Go forward,
Fly upward,
Dive inward!
No fear, no fear!

– Sri Chinmoy

Categorised as poem

Dec 31

May the beauty of the New Year
Beautify my heart.
May the purity of the New Year
Purify my mind.
May the simplicity of the New Year
Simplify my vital.
May the intensity of the New Year
Intensify my body.
May the responsibility of the New Year
Glorify my life.
May only the divinity of the New Year
Fully satisfy me.
Categorised as daily quote

Dec 27

If you have a plethora of enthusiasm
Then eventually you are bound to win
In your spiritual life.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 261,

Categorised as daily quote

Dec 26

God’s final Decision:
He will never end the world,
No matter how bad the world becomes.

Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 261, Agni Press, 1998

Categorised as daily quote