“A man of compromise
Will never realise
The beauty, purity and divinity
Of Truth.”
Daily Poem
28 May
Is always nourished
By hundreds of excuses.”
27 May
“I shall look at everybody’s mind
The way I look at flowers.
I shall paint everybody’s face
The way I paint the dawn.
I shall always blossom
In the firmament of light
Like the sun.”
26 May
“Gratitude is not a mere word.
Gratitude is not an idea.
Gratitude is not even an ideal.
Gratitude is our heart’s
To God Himself.”
25 May
“When I look at the world
With my inner eye,
Everybody is beautiful,
Everybody is perfect,
In his own way.”
24 May
“The more we see the divine qualities in others,
The sooner we will establish world peace.”
23 May
“Nothing is difficult.
This is what you should think
Before you do anything.
Nothing is easy.
This is what you should feel
Before you say anything.”
22 May
“How can your life be satisfied
With small realities
If your heart has big dreams?”
21 May
“To serve and never be tired,
Is love.”
20 May
“May each prayer-breath
Of my life
Be a whisper of gratitude
To my Absolute Lord Supreme.”
19 May
It is not a sign of wisdom-light
When you open your heart
Indiscriminately to all.
18 May
“All human beings are roses
Inside my heart-garden.
Their sweetness-fragrance
Is my oneness-satisfaction-peace.”
17 May
“God has forgiven me
So that I can once more
Love myself.”
16 May
Have their homes everywhere.
15 May
“O my heart, go deeper
If you want to last longer.
O my life, look farther
If you want to last longer.
O my heart and life,
Do you not know that
The soul is supremely immortal
Precisely because it sees the Infinite
And is one with the Infinite?”
14 May
“You can forget everything
If you want to.
But don’t forget one thing:
You are God’s child,
God’s very, very own.”
13 May
“Do you want to know something incredible but absolutely true? The heart of the universe is your soulful smile.”
12 May
Can be made stronger
Than death
If man learns
Carefully and unmistakably
The language of love.”
11 May
“Inside a self-giving purity-heart
I see always
A thousand smiles shining brightly.”
10 May
“Every day you should try to set
A personal record
In your unconditional self-giving.”
09 May
“Only when you listen
To the dictates of your soul,
The path ahead of you
Becomes absolutely clear.”
08 May
“Now is the time
To make good use of time.
Today is the day
To begin a perfect day.”
07 May
“Just start your inner race
Without waiting to see
Who else is ready to run with you.
When others see you have reached your goal,
They will also be inspired to run.”
06 May
“Only the things that I learn
In silence and from silence
Illumine and satisfy my life.”
05 May
“When God sees
My heart’s streaming tears,
He tells me, ‘My child,
I have not come alone.
I have brought with Me
My Forgiveness-Heart.’ ”
04 May
“Each of us is a seeker,
walking along Eternity’s Road,
which has no beginning and no end.”
-Sri Chinmoy, What I need from God, Agni Press, 1982
02 May
“My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
O seekers, have more faith in God
And in yourselves.
When your consciousness is low,
He will definitely lift you up,
Wipe your tears
And give you strength
To smile once again.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!”
-Sri Chinmoy, My Morning Soul-Body Prayers, part 15, Agni Press, 2000
30 Apr
“We need inner strength
In measureless measure
To serve humanity.”
29 Apr
“Love is hope.
Hope is nectar.”
28 Apr
“It is the hard-earned progress
That endures.”