


O Aristotle, O mind’s vastness of your day,  
Your youth was reckless and wild.  
But your brain never exiled  
The thought that clasped the myriad knowledge-ray.  
Yours was the student Alexander the Great.  
The mighty culture Greek  
Slowly began to leak  
With you, Aristotle; and now reigns a huge regret.

 Excerpt from Philosopher-Thinkers: The Power-Towers Of The Mind And Poet-Seers: The Fragrance-Hours Of The Heart In The West by Sri Chinmoy


Wisdom of Aristotle

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.


A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.


At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.


As a rock on the seashore he standeth firm, and the dashing of the waves disturbeth him not. He raiseth his head like a tower on a hill, and the arrows of fortune drop at his feet. In the instant of danger, the courage of his heart sustaineth him; and the steadiness of his mind beareth him out.


Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.


I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.


Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.


Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with cheerfulness, not through insensibility but through greatness of mind.

More about Aristotle